

Configure Work Folders on Windows Server 2016

Configure Work Folders on Windows Servers

Work Folders technology allows users to remotely access their files on the internal corporate file server and allows with them offline on any device (laptop, tablet or smartphone). The next time you connect to the corporate network changes of these files on a user device will be synchronized with the internal Windows file server. In this article we’l how to install and configure Work Folders feature on a file server running Windows Server 2012 & 2016 and a Windows 10
You can use a file server running Windows Server 2012 R2 as a file storage, and all Windows versions starting from 7, and devices running Android 4.4 or iOS 8 or higher as clients (Work Folders client for these devices is available in Play and App Store respectively). Using security policies, you can require Work Folders clients to keep the contents what guarantees data protection even if the device is lost or stolen
  • How to Install and Configure Work Folders Role on Windows Server 2016
  • Configuring the Work Folders Client on Windows 10
  • Configure Work Folders Client Using Group Policy
  • Work Folders Synchronization Error 0x80c80317

How to Install and Configure Work Folders Role on Windows Server 2016

You can install the Work Folders role in Windows Server 2016 using the Server Manager or PowerShell.
In the first case, select Work Folders option in the File and Storage Services role in the Server Manager. (The required IIS Hostable Web Core components will be automatically added to the installation.)

In PowerShell, the Work Folders role is installed using this command:
Install-WindowsFeature FS-SyncShareService,Web-WHC
Create a new security group in the Active Directory and add to it user accounts that are allowed to synchronize their devices with Work Folders on the file server (for better performance of the Work Folders service by reducing the number of requests to AD, Microsoft recommends adding to this group only user accounts, instead of other security groups).
The next step is to create network shares on your file server that users will synchronize with. You can create the shared folders using Server Manager or PowerShell.
Open the Server Manager, and select File and Storage Services -> Work Folders. Then select Tasks -> New Sync Share.
Then you have to specify the directory to grant access to. In our example, it is C:finance.
Then select the user folder structure. Folders can be named by a user account (alias) or have the following format: user@domain.
Then enter the name of your sync share.
After that you must specify the security groups that will be granted access to this share.
Specify the security policies of the Work Folders to be applied on a client. There are two policies:
  • Encrypt Work Folders – mandatory data encryption on the cached Work Folders directory on a client using BitLocker.
  • Automatically lock screen and require a password – automatic screen lock after 15 minutes of device inactivity and password protection (at least 6 characters).
So the configuration of a new Work Folder is finished.
The same actions to create a sync share may be performed using the New-SyncShare cmdlet. For example, the following command creates a new sync share and grants access to it for a group:
New-SyncShare "Sales" C:sales –User "Sales_Users_WorkFolder"
Note. In the test configuration, the certificate is not necessary to use, and the certificate requirement on a client may be ignored. See the command below.
The easiest way is to use a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt. The process of issuing and binding the certificate to IIS is described in the article Let’s Encrypt Certificate for Windows (IIS).
Tip. To connect external clients to the Work Folder server so that they could access and synchronize their files, you must configure the DNS server name in the external zone, and allow the incoming traffic to the server over TCP port 80 and/or 443 on your firewall. Also, you can provide access using Web Application Proxy server for the comprehensive protection.

Configuring the Work Folders Client on Windows 10

In this example, a device running Windows 10 is used as a Work Folders client. It is configured using the existing applet in the Control Panel: Control Panel -> System and Security -> Work Folders (this item is not available in Windows Server editions).
To start the configuration, click Set up Work Folders.
Then enter the user email or the Work Folders server address.
By default, a client connects to a server through a secure HTTPS protocol. In the test environment this requirement may be ignored by running the following command on the client:
Reg add HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionWorkFolders /v AllowUnsecureConnection /t REG_DWORD /d 1
To access the data, you have to authenticate and agree to the security policies that will be applied on the client.
By default, Work Folder files on the client are stored in “%USERPROFILE%Work Folders” in the user profile and size of this folder cannot exceed 10 GB.
After the client is connected to the server, the Work Folders directory is created. If the files in the Work Folders have not changed, the client syncs with the file server every 10 minutes. The changed files are synchronized immediately. Also, if there are any changes, the server automatically notifies other clients and prompts them to update their data from the central server. (Thus, the changes should appear on all connected devices as soon as possible.)
You can see the sync status, errors, the amount of free space available on the server in the same element in the Control Panel.
To make sure if the synchronization works correctly, create a new directory in the Work Folders and then select Sync now in the context menu.
In some time this folder should appear on the server.

Configure Work Folders Client Using Group Policy

To set up Work Folders automatically, you can use two special group policies in User Configuration -> Policies -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> WorkFolders:
  • Specify Work Folders Settings where you can specify the URL of the Work Folders server.
  • Force automatic setup for all users that initiates automatic client configuration.

Work Folders Synchronization Error 0x80c80317

In a test configuration I have faced an error when synchronizing files on a client:
There was a problem, but sync will try again (0x80c80317)

The server log contains the following entries:
cThe Windows Sync Share service failed to setup a new sync partnership with a device. Database: \?C:usersSyncShareStateWorkFoldersMetadata; User folder name: \?C:FinanceWORKFOLDERS_ROOTUSER.TEST; Error code: (0x8e5e0408) Unable to read from or write to the database.[/alert]
These errors indicate a problem in the synchronization mechanism. In this case, a user must run these commands in the command prompt:
Repair-SyncShare -name Finance -user Domainuser1
Get-SyncUserStatus -syncshare Finance -user Domainuser1
As a rule, this will solve the sync failure problem.
So we looked at how to configure and use Work Folders in Windows Server 2016. This technology allows users to work with corporate files almost on any device at the same time providing adequate level of data protection against compromise due to client-side encryption. Of course, this solution is less comfortable and flexible that cloud-based Dropbox or OneDrive, but the main advantage is that it is easy to set up and the data are stored inside the company instead of a third-party cloud. Together with the Work Folders, you can use quota and file type management using FSRM, Windows failover clusters for file server, and data access management using Dynamic Access Control or File Classification Infrastructure.